Sled Wheels



The best wheel solution for moving your snowmobile around while loading, unloading, or moving in and out of your garage or shed. Securely fastens to the ski bolt and you are able to drive your snowmobile around without damaging your wear bars or the surface that you drive on (concrete floor, blacktop, grass, or gravel etc.). 

Available in 8" (for trail sleds)  and 10" for (Mountain sleds) diameters with a 1.0" standard and 1 5/8" wide offset axle for wide ski applications. 

We Recommend the 8" Wheel for all Trail Sleds & 10" Wheel with 1 5/8th offset for Mountain Sleds. 

If you have the Polaris Gripper Ski you need to order our stability spacer. Most all RMK and Khaos sleds have these skis.  Click Here

**** Please note, these are foam filled tires and are intended for moving your sled around and then removing.  The tires will flat spot if you store your snowmobile with wheels installed.  Please do not keep these installed for extended periods. ****